• What You Need to Do to Become Productive

    Business owners often face similar challenges with productivity and many entrepreneurs often try to take on too many projects. Entrepreneurs are naturally ambitious and drawn to pursuing different projects, ideas and even new businesses.

    But focusing on the right tasks is critical to being productive and achieving the highest level of success possible.

    So how can entrepreneurs stay focused and productive? Here are a few suggestions:

    Get a Business Partner or Coach

    In school, students know what to focus on because teachers give them instruction, assignments and tests. At work, your boss and co-workers will often give you similar guidance.

    One of the biggest challenges that entrepreneurs face is not having guidance from another person. As a result, some entrepreneurs will fail or struggle with productivity in their business.

    A good coach or business partner can help an entrepreneur stay focused and productive. Some studies indicate that the ROI on executive coaching can be 529% or more.

    Just Say “No” to New Ideas

    As an entrepreneur, new ideas will inevitably pop into your head, including new business ideas and new marketing tactics. We may be tempted to pursue these new ideas because we think these ideas will be easy to implement or because we think that we will get better results from them.

    However, implementing a new business or marketing plan is often more difficult and time consuming than we initially anticipate.

    Evaluate new ideas carefully before allowing them to distract you and analyze the time and resources required. Sometimes if we are too busy, simply saying “no” to new ideas can be a good way to stay productive.

    Develop a Productive Routine

    Being productive is the result of developing a predictable and healthy routine. Forming new habits is difficult at first. It requires mental energy from the decision making area of your brain initially.

    But after some time, habits become more automatic and require significantly less mental energy. Once we identify high ROI activities, we need to get into the routine of doing them until they become habits.

     Outsource Tasks that Drain Your Energy

    Many people know that they should be focusing on high Return On Investment {ROI} activities, but a lot of entrepreneurs still struggle to actually focus on such tasks. One reason is that some tasks actually drain you of energy.

    Bookkeeping is one example of a task that businesses have to do. But for me, it’s a task that is boring and drains me of energy.

    Identify the tasks that drain you of energy and outsource them so that you can focus on other tasks that energize you.

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     Set Specific Goals and Measure Progress

    Making progress can motivate us to keep going. We need to set specific and measurable goals so that we know that our activities are productive.

    We cannot control the outcome, but we can control the actions that we take.

    Many people will set vague goals like “make as much money as possible for the business”. Instead business owners should set more specific milestones, like increasing sales by 25% or increasing website traffic by 10,000 visitors per month.

    We can then set specific actions to help us achieve our goals, like publish 10 blog posts a month. Measuring the impact of our actions can help us decide what tasks to focus on.

     Take Scheduled Breaks

    It would be nice if we could be productive throughout the entire day, but taking scheduled breaks is necessary for people to stay productive.

    Spending less time working to get more done may seem counterintuitive. But our minds and bodies need time to recover and detach from work to remain at peak productivity.

    Final Words
    Many people think that failure to become successful is due to the lack of knowledge. But productivity is often the culprit. It’s an ongoing process and with some effort and focus, entrepreneurs can improve their results steadily over time.

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